Objectives: The objectives of this study were to determine if magnetic resonance (MR) estimates of quantitative tissue microvascular characteristics from regions of interest (ROI) limited to the tumor periphery provided a better correlation with tumor histologic grade than ROI defined for the whole tumor in cross-section.
Methods: A metaanalysis was based on 98 quantitative MR image breast tumor characterizations acquired in 3 separate experimental studies using identical methods for tumor induction and contrast enhancement.
Results: The endothelial transfer coefficient (K) of albumin (Gd-DTPA)30 from the tumor periphery correlated (r = 0.784) significantly more strongly (P < 0.001) with the pathologic tumor grade than K derived from the whole tumor (r = 0.604). K estimates, either from the tumor periphery or from the whole tumor, correlated significantly more strongly with histologic grade (P < 0.01) than MR image estimates of fractional plasma volume (fPV) from either tumor periphery (r = 0.368) or whole tumor (r = 0.323).
Conclusions: K estimates from the tumor periphery were the best of these measurable MR image microvascular characteristics for predicting the histologic grade.