In the Philippines, congenital anomalies rank among the top 20 causes of death across the life span and are already the third leading cause of death in the infancy period (Philippine Department of Health, 1996). Despite the magnitude of the problem, no formal systematic registration of birth defects has been done in the country up until 1999. Various attempts have been made by different study groups to gather data but there was never a formal effort to consolidate the information and establish a centralized registry. Data from various modes of ascertainment are hereby presented: 1) Philippine Birth Defects Registry Project, 2) Hospital In-Patient and Out-Patient Registries, 3) Prenatal Inventory and Neonatal Outcome Study Group, 4) Hospital Pathology Reports, and 5) Community Outreach Programs. Birth Defects Registry Project had the largest reporting of the different methods presented here. The most common birth defects were multiple congenital anomalies, congenital malformations of the tongue, mouth, and pharynx (ankyloglossia), cleft palate with cleft lip, Down Syndrome, congenital deformities of the feet (talipes equinovarus), anencephaly, other congenital malformations of the face and neck, congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system (diaphragmatic hernia, gastroschisis), hypospadias, congenital hydrocephalus, polydactyly, syndactyly, and cleft lip.