Involvement of the skull base is rare in tuberculosis. We report here the case of a 28-year-old female patient with an osteolytic process of the clivus with compression of the brain stem and involvement of the nasopharynx. She reported suffering from headaches for the last 6 months, and diplopia had occurred 1 week before her diagnosis as a result of paresis of the VIth cranial nerve on the right side. A biopsy was obtained endoscopically via a transnasal approach, revealing a granulomatous inflammation with acid-fast rods and thus confirming the diagnosis of a tuberculoma. When the biopsy was taken there was no evidence of any further tuberculomas in this patient. The clinical picture, diagnosis, and treatment of tuberculosis of the skull base and nasopharynx are discussed and the literature on this rare clinical entity is reviewed with reference to this patient's case report.