Lifetimes of excited electrons in Fe and Ni: first-principles GW and the T-matrix theory

Phys Rev Lett. 2005 Mar 25;94(11):4 p following 119902. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.94.119902.


We present the results of an ab initio calculation of excited electron lifetimes in ferromagnetic materials which incorporates non-spin-flip and spin-flip processes within GW and T-matrix approaches. The method we develop is applied to low-energy electron excitations in Fe and Ni. It is found that the spin-wave generation in Fe essentially reduces the lifetimes of the spin-minority d states whereas the free-electron-like spin-minority states and all the spin-majority states are affected much less. The influence of spin-flip scattering on the lifetimes in Ni appears to be weak. The T-matrix non-spin-flip processes are important for the lifetimes of excited spin-minority states.

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