Computer simulations of polymer chain structure and dynamics on a hypersphere in four-space

J Chem Phys. 2005 May 8;122(18):184110. doi: 10.1063/1.1896950.


There is a rapidly growing interest in performing computer simulations in a closed space, avoiding periodic boundary conditions. To extend the range of potential systems to include also macromolecules, we describe an algorithm for computer simulations of polymer chain molecules on S3, a hypersphere in four dimensions. In particular, we show how to generate initial conformations with a bond angle distribution given by the persistence length of the chain and how to calculate the bending forces for a molecule moving on S3. Furthermore, we discuss how to describe the shape of a macromolecule on S3, by deriving the radius of gyration tensor in this non-Euclidean space. The results from both Monte Carlo and Brownian dynamics simulations in the infinite dilution limit show that the results on S3 and in R3 coincide, both with respect to the size and shape as well as for the diffusion coefficient. All data on S3 can also be described by master curves by suitable scaling by the corresponding values in R3. We thus show how to extend the use of spherical boundary conditions, which are most effective for calculating electrostatic forces, to polymer chain molecules, making it possible to perform simulations on S3 also for polyelectrolyte systems.