Background: Measurement of dural sinus or drainage vein pressure is useful for determining the appropriate treatment for some patients. We report a novel measurement procedure that reduces bleeding from the needle puncture site as well as further tearing of the wall.
Methods: The vessel is punctured through the patch by gelatin sponge with fibrin sealant and a siliconized elastic needle is introduced. After obtaining the desired measurements, the needle is withdrawn through the fibrin sealant-bearing patch whose presence facilitates sealing of the puncture site. To further decrease the incidence of complications due to incomplete hemostasis, an additional identically prepared path is placed over the site.
Results: We have used this method in several operations and have encountered no complications. Our method also makes it possible to safely approach the drainers of pial arteriovenous malformations.
Conclusions: Our method is easy and convenient and prevents the leakage of blood from the puncture site and further tearing of the venous wall.