We evaluated the immunotoxicity of deoxynivalenol (DON), a Fusarium mycotoxin, on bovine and porcine neutrophils in vitro by using two function parameters, luminol-dependent chemiluminescence and random migration under agarose. A 2-hr DON treatment suppressed the chemiluminescence of bovine and porcine cells by 42% and 35% (on average) at 10(-5)M, and by 19% and 26% at 10(-6)M. Slight suppression was observed at concentrations lower than 10(-6)M. However, after an 18-hr DON treatment, random migration of neutrophils of both species remained unaffected, even at the highest concentration (10(-5)M). Although further extensive studies are needed, to our knowledge this is the first study to have revealed in vitro that DON can affect neutrophil function.