Objectives: The present study characterized glial cell injury provoked in adult rat chiasm within 24 hours after a single, high-dose irradiation of 20 Gy.
Methods: All chiasmal glial cells in a section were counted, and the percentage of TUNEL-positive glial cells exhibiting apoptotic morphology was defined as the apoptotic rate.
Results: Numbers of apoptotic cells increased significantly (p<0.0001) from 3 to 8 hours after exposure, but returned to baseline levels by 24 hours. Little evidence of apoptosis was observed in non-irradiated chiasms. Similar patterns of increase in apoptotic rate were observed in the genu of the corpus callosum, but the extent was significantly lower (p=0.047) in the optic chiasm, with a maximal rate of 1.9%. Immunohistochemically, apoptotic cells were positive for CNP, a marker for oligodendrocytes.
Discussion: These data indicate that chiasmal irradiation induces limited, but significant apoptotic depletion of the oligodendroglial population, and may participate in the development of radiation-induced optic neuropathy.