(83m)Kr radioactive source based on (83)Rb trapped in cation-exchange paper or in zeolite

Appl Radiat Isot. 2005 Sep;63(3):323-7. doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2005.04.011.


The mono-energetic conversion electrons from the decay of (83m)Kr represent a unique tool for energy calibration and systematic studies of the tritium beta spectrum measured in neutrino mass determination experiments. For this reason, the corresponding parent isotope was produced in reactions (nat)Kr(p,xn)(83)Rb. The behaviour of (83)Rb (T(1/2)=86.2d) and its daughter product (83m)Kr (T(1/2)=1.83h) was examined, when the (83)Rb was trapped in a cation-exchanger chromatographic paper or in zeolite. Using gamma spectroscopy measurements, recommendations for the production of a (83)Rb/(83m)Kr radionuclide generator based on these cation-exchangers and suitable for the neutrino mass determination experiment KATRIN were deduced.