The mechanisms controlling central and systemic oxytocin (OT) release were examined using in vivo microdialysis of the paraventricular (PVN) region. Dialysate and plasma samples were collected from conscious male rats and stimuli were administered via the dialysate fluid. Characterization studies showed that microdialysis was a viable technique for the study of peptide secretion in the conscious animal. OT was consistently detected in the PVN dialysate and a partially purified extract crossreacted in parallel fashion with the synthetic peptide. In vitro studies showed that peptide recovery was positively correlated with the pore size of the dialysis membrane and that there was an inverse relationship between flow rate and recovery. Hypertonic saline administered centrally caused an increase in dialysate and plasma oxytocin while the intravenous injection affected only plasma oxytocin. The excitatory amino acid, glutamate (0.05-0.5 M), caused an increase in plasma, but not dialysate oxytocin, while depolarization with potassium chloride (0.05-0.15 M) had no significant effects. Histological examination showed that the dialysis probe was located in the rostral, lateral PVN. Our results show that in vivo microdialysis provides a method for the delivery of drugs into specific brain regions as well as a useful technique for the evaluation of in vivo neuropeptide release.