A 38-year-old woman who had undergone an original Bentall operation in December 1995 for annuloaortic ectasia associated with ulcerative colitis required reoperation for ascending aortic aneurysm, coronary ostial aneurysm, and patent Cabrol trick. The initial Bentall operation included aortic root replacement using a valved conduit and reconstruction of the coronary arteries. Both coronary ostia were directly anastomosed to the composite valved graft, which was wrapped with the dilated aortic wall, and a Cabrol trick was added at the same time. She underwent reoperation for a 60 mm ascending aortic aneurysm which had been used for wrapping at the initial operation. The findings at reoperation were a patent Cabrol trick, leakage from the distal anastomosis, aneurysm of both coronary ostia, and paravalvular leakage. The repairs included graft replacement, leaving the valvular prosthesis, reconstruction of both coronary arteries by the Piehler method and Carrel patch technique, repair of the paravalvular leakage, and closure of the Cabrol trick. Her postoperative course was uneventful, and the serum concentration of C-reactive protein remained within normal limits. Strict follow-up care is required to avoid further anastomotic dehiscence.