WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW: How effective would an algorithm be in helping general practitioners diagnose asthma? What proportion of older people with undiagnosed asthma fail to recognise symptoms? What proportion of the population believe asthma does not occur in the older population? What systems or supports do GPs need to diagnose asthma more effectively? WHAT WE NEED TO DO: Work on developing a gold standard for asthma diagnosis. Develop prototype algorithms for general practice discussion. Conduct a general practice study to assess the effectiveness of an algorithm. In conjunction with GPs, develop a pilot program to increase awareness of the current asthma problem. Conduct focus-group research to identify why some people do not believe they can develop asthma for the first time in adult life. Conduct focus-group research to identify why some adults do not attribute asthma symptoms to asthma. Conduct focus groups with GPs to identify what support is needed to diagnose asthma more effectively. Consult with all stakeholders before an intervention is used. Evaluate any interventions used.