In this paper we studied the potentiality of nano-liquid chromatography (nano-LC) for the enantiomeric resolution of both basic and acidic compounds of pharmaceutical interest using a vancomycin modified silica stationary phase. Experiments were carried out in a fused silica capillary of 75 microm I.D. packed with chiral modified silica particles of 5 microm diameter, the detection, was done on-line at 195 nm. Enantiomeric resolution of alprenolol, atenolol, metoprolol, oxprenolol, pindolol, propranolol (basic compounds) and some acidic analytes, namely 2-[(5'-benzoyl-2'-hydroxy)phenyl]propionic acid (DF1738Y), 2-[(4'-benzoyloxy-2'-hydroxy)phenyl]propionic acid (DF1770Y), ketoprofen, indoprofen and suprofen was studied by nano-LC utilizing mobile phases containing methanol-acetonitrile-ammonium formate or acetate. The effect of mobile phase composition (buffer type and concentration, organic modifier type and concentration) on chiral resolution (Rs), retention factor (k) and retention time (tR) was also investigated. Good enantiomeric resolution was achieved for basic compounds utilizing the mobile phase containing 90% (MeCN-MeOH)/5% water/5% of 100 mM ammonium acetate pH 4.5. Acidic compounds such as DF1738Y and DF1770Y were better resolved at lower pH 3.5 while ketoprofen, indoprofen and suprofen exhibited the highest resolution at pH 4.5; in this case the mobile phase contained MeOH or MeCN (90%), 5% buffer and 5% of water. The nano-LC method was validated using R-(+)-propranolol as an internal standard finding good repeatability, detection limit, correlation coefficient and recovery and applied to the assay of a pharmaceutical formulation containing a racemic mixture of metoprolol.