Introduction: Isolated cryptococcal pneumonia in the immunocompetent host is a rare infection. Indications for treatment and its duration are currently not defined.
Clinical picture: Three patients presented with cavitating cryptococcal pneumonia.
Treatment: They were treated with oral fluconazole.
Outcome: Improvement was evident clinically, radiologically and serologically. Fluconazole was continued until serum cryptococcal antigen (SCA) levels were negative in our patients as they had manifestations such as haemoptysis, cavitating or multi-lobar pneumonia and relatively high antigen levels, suggesting potentially serious disease.
Conclusions: Fluconazole is effective and safe for the treatment of cryptococcal pneumonia in the immunocompetent host. Although the role of monitoring SCA levels in the immunocompetent host is currently unclear, it may be an indication of infective burden and the benefits of longer treatment seem to outweigh the risks.