Behavioral momentum is the product of response rate and resistance to change. The data on relative resistance to change are summarized for pigeons responding on single-key two-component multiple schedules, in the initial links of two-key multiple chained schedules, and in equivalent components of two-key serial schedules. For single-key procedures, the ratio of resistance to change in two schedule components is shown to depend on the ratio of reinforcer rates obtained in the presence of the component stimuli. For two-key procedures, the ratio of resistance to change in equivalent components is shown to depend on the ratio of reinforcer rates correlated with key locations. A model based on stimulus-reinforcer contingencies that combines the reinforcer rates in schedule components summed over key locations and reinforcer rates correlated with key locations summed over components, each expressed relative to the session average reinforcer rate, gives a good account of the data. An extension of the relative law of effect for multiple schedules fails to provide a complete account of resistance to change, but both approaches are needed for a comprehensive understanding of behavioral momentum.