Stem rust caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Eriks and Henn and leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina Rob. ex Desm. are major constraints to wheat production worldwide. In the present study, F(4)-derived SSD population, developed from a cross between Australian cultivars 'Schomburgk' and 'Yarralinka', was used to identify molecular markers linked to rust resistance genes Lr 3 a and Sr 22. A total of 1,330 RAPD and 100 ISSR primers and 33 SSR primer pairs selected ob the basis of chromosomal locations of these genes were used. The ISSR marker UBC 840(540) was found to be linked with Lr 3 a in repulsion at a distance of 6.0 cM. Markers cfa 2019 and cfa 2123 flanked Sr 22 at a distance of 5.9 cM (distal) and 6.0 cM (proximal), respectively. The use of these markers in combination would predict the presence or absence of Sr 22 in breeding populations. A previously identified PCR-based diagnostic marker STS 638 linked to Lr 20 was validated in this population. This marker showed a recombination value of 7.1 cM with Lr 20.