Integrated interprofessional care teams are the focus of Canadian and American recommendations about the future of health care. Keeping with this, a family medicine teaching site developed an educational initiative to expose trainees to interprofessional care processes and learning (Interprofessional Care Review; IPC). A formative evaluation pilot study was completed using one-on-one interviews and a focus group (n = 6) with family medicine residents. A semi-structured guide was utilized regarding: knowledge, skills and attitudes related to interprofessional care; their experience of the processes utilized in IPC. Data were analyzed using content analysis. Residents' perspectives on their learning revolved around four themes: changes to understanding and practice of interprofessional care; personal impact of IPC; learning about other health professionals; tension and challenges of IPC learning and clinical implementation. Residents valued the educational experience, but identified that faculty supervisors provided "mixed messages" in the value of collaborating with other health professionals. Implications regarding future educational and research opportunities are discussed.