The aim of this study was to identify the distribution of aquaporin-9 by immunohistochemistry in rat tissues using specific antipeptide antiserum which we recently produced. Anti-aquaporin-9 antibody was raised in New Zealand white rabbits immunized with a conjugate of synthetic aquaporin-9 peptide with bovine serum albumin. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed by avidin-biotin complex method. Aquaporin-immunoreactivity was visualized in the anterior pituitary, central nervous system, retina, thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, liver lung, pancreas and testis. When using antiserum preincubated with synthetic peptides or rat hypothalamus homogenate, which contains aquaporin-9 peptide, no significant stain of the hypothalamus was detected. These findings suggest that aquaporin-9 is widely distributed and that the method used is valuable in studying the distribution of aquaporin-9 in rats.