Objective: The management of HIV-positive pregnancies was investigated in conjunction to pre-, peri and postpartal complications and the HIV transmission rate.
Patients and methods: Retrospective study of 88 HIV-positive patients who were delivered at the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology during 1.1.1997-31.12.2001.
Results: HIV-positive patients showed significantly more prepartal complications, compared to control group. Low CD4-cell count (< or = 200/microl) or high viral load (> 10 000 HIV-copies/ml) was not associated with increased risk for transmission relevant complications. The overall HIV-transmission rate was 3.4 % (3/89 newborns; with ART 2.5 % [2/85], without ART 33.3 % [1/3]). The transmission rate increased with complications during pregnancy (7.7 % [2/26] vs. 1.6 % [1/61]). Newborns delivered < or = 35 (th) week of gestation showed a transmission rate of 5.3 % compared to 2.9 % of newborns delivered after the 35 (th) week of gestation. 98 % of the patients were delivered by cesarean section (primary: n = 71, prior: n = 15), spontaneously: n = 2). 97 % of patients (85/88) were treated with antiretroviral therapy (ART). No differences were found in the postpartal complication rate of HIV-positive to -negative patients. None of the newborns was breast fed.
Conclusions: Treatment of this risk-pregnancies in HIV experienced centers significantly reduces the risk of HIV transmission.