Background: The Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale (MISS) measures patient consultation satisfaction. We validated a translated short-form of the original MISS on Hong Kong Chinese women with breast cancer.
Methods: The four highest scoring MISS Cognitive and Affective sub-scales items were administered in Chinese (C-MISS) to 224 female out patients. Phrasing revisions (C-MISS-R) were tested on 82 women. Random split tested factor structure stability. Convergent, divergent and criterion validation against other instruments was performed on 405 women.
Results: Two-factors accounted for 61.7% of variance but factor loadings differed from the original. Phrasing revision increased Affective sub-scale item-item correlations exceeding 0.3-64%. Two factors matching those of the original MISS, accounting for 65.2% of variance, explained 36.6% (Cognitive) and 28.8% (Affective) of variance, respectively. Alpha was 0.84,0.74 and 0.83 for the Cognitive and Affective sub-scales and total respectively. Correlations of difficulties with treatment decision making (r = -0.298), Self-efficacy (r = 0.194), optimism (r = 0.33), psychological morbidity (r = -209), marital status, education and age indicated acceptable validity. Test-retest reliability was 0.410.
Discussion: The Chinese MISS-Revised (C-MISS-R) has suitable factor structure and psychometric properties for use in consultation studies among Chinese female populations. Further validation is needed for males.