The effects of intraventricular nerve growth factor (NGF) or saline treatments on extracellular acetylcholine (ACh), dopamine (DA) and adenosine (Ade) levels in the cortex and striatum of rats with unilateral devascularizing cortical lesions were studied in vivo with microdialysis. The devascularizing cortical lesion produced a decrease in extracellular ACh levels in both cortex and striatum as compared to those in normal rats, while the NGF treatment produced a significant increase in ACh levels in both regions. NGF could even increase cortical ACh levels in normal rats. The cortical lesion produced a decrease in extracellular DA in the cortex, while the NGF treatment appeared to reverse this effect. No significant changes in DA were observed in the striatum. The present study gives evidence that a unilateral cortical devascularizing lesion leads to changes in extracellular ACh and DA levels in cortex and striatum and that these changes could be reversed with intraventricular NGF treatment.