Background and purpose: Improved radiotherapy techniques in pediatric craniospinal therapy (CSRT) strive to reduce risks of late morbidity. Using a pediatric anthropomorphic phantom, this research correlated measured target and normal tissue dose to that predicted from a 3D planning system (3D-RTP).
Patients and methods: A pediatric anthropomorphic phantom was planned following French Society of Pediatric Oncology (SFOP) protocols. Thermoluminescent detectors (TLDs) were used to perform dosimetric measurements during treatment. 4 and 6MV photon fields with multi leaf collimation (MLC) or custom blocks were compared to 3D-RTP computer (ADAC Pinnacle) predictions for cranial fields. Spinal dosimetry was studied using photons (4 and 6MV) and electrons (9 and 12MeV).
Results: 3D-RTP predictions generally concurred with dose received in cranial and spinal sites. The measured dose was over-predicted significantly by the 3D-RTP in the anterior cranial fossa. Normal tissue doses were reduced when treating the spine using megavoltage electron beams instead of photons.
Conclusions: Treating the spinal field with electrons minimises the risk of pulmonary sequelae, however electron energy selection is critical to achieve adequate spinal field coverage. Despite adhering to a major trial protocol guideline, dose at the floor of the anterior cranial fossa remains a potential clinical problem and 3D-RTP do not predict this well.