Setting: A university hospital in southern Greece.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) and other clinically significant conditions in routine chest X-rays (CXRs) of asymptomatic Greeks and immigrants in Greece.
Design: Prospective study.
Methods: CXRs of 4338 asymptomatic persons (56.8% Greeks, 43.2% immigrants, 18-74 years of age) were examined by two experienced chest radiologists blinded to identifying data. Abnormalities were recorded and the final radiological diagnosis was established by consensus. Results were statistically analysed.
Results: The majority (94.7%) of the CXRs were reported as normal. Clinically significant findings were reported in four cases (0.08%). No case of active TB was depicted. The incidence of old TB was higher in the Greek-born group than among the immigrants, although the difference was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: The low prevalence of TB in the Greek-born group implies that radiographic screening in that group presents an unnecessary risk and should possibly be abandoned. Our study does not confirm noticeably higher rates of TB in immigrants in comparison to the native Greek population. However, larger prospective studies are required to confirm this finding.