Aim: To study common femoral vein flow during simple movements and voluntary contractions of muscles of lower limbs in healthy volunteers and to evaluate the effects of elastic stocking on venous flow.
Methodology: Experimental study. Ten subjects, aged 21 to 25 years, underwent duplex ultrasound to examine venous flow, the lower limb being fitted with sensors to characterize kinematics and of muscle activity.
Movements studied: In supine position: thigh muscles contraction. forefoot dorsal flexion. Standing on both feet: thigh muscles contraction, tip-toe, front load transfer, extension of the leg on the knee, loading on one limb, forefoot back flexion. Data were recorded with a computerised system for secondary analysis. A mean venous velocity was calculated after elimination of parasite signals. Venous velocity was correlated with muscle signals. The procedure was repeated with the patient wearing a thigh-length class II elastic stockings (Varisma Innothera Ltd).
Results, conclusion: All movements increased venous flow. Wearing elastic stockings increased the venous flush due to movements or muscle contractions. The level of muscle activity during the same movement or the same muscle contraction varied from one subject to the other.