We report a case of a 68-year-old patient, admitted with diagnosis of aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta to the Department of Cardiac Surgery, where he underwent percutaneous endovascular application of 4 endoprostheses in the descending thoracic aorta. After antibiotic prophylaxis and hemodynamic stabilization, the patient was admitted to the Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit for the management of the of postoperative course and undergo a program of cardiac rehabilitation. Five days following admission and before starting physical training, the patient developed fever associated with neutrophil leukocytosis, strong activation of inflammatory markers and sideropenic anemia, compatible with post-implantation inflammatory syndrome. Significant hypokalemia also occurred. Further investigations showed left cortical-suprarenal adenoma. The inflammatory state relapsed spontaneously and the patient was discharged with indication to undergo an endocrinologic consultation.