IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies against Yersinia Yop proteins, Yersinia LPS and Salmonella LPS from different serogroups were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in a 885 serum samples and 92 synovial fluids. The control group consisted of 200 healthy blood donors. Compared with control subjects, patients with arthritis showed significantly increased titres of antibodies against Yersinia Yop, Yersinia LPS and Salmonella LPS appropriately in 21.7%, 44.0% and 56.0% serum samples. The prevalence of positive antibody levels was highest in Yersinia serogroup O3 and Salmonella serogroup B and D antibodies. The IgA titres were found to be much higher in adults than in children and youngsters but IgM titres consequently decreased with age. Investigation of synovial fluids obtained from patients with arthritis showed that Yersinia and Salmonella antibodies in synovial fluid mirror those in serum by concentration, by specificity and by distribution in classes.