Under physiological conditions haemopoiesis is continuous and maintains a stable number of blood elements. A defect at any stage presents as anaemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia or their combinations. The cause of haematological abnormalities with an HIV infection is multifactorial. HIV/AIDS patients may present identical haematological disorders as patients free of an HIV infection. Additionally, HIV-positive subjects tend to present disorders specific of an HIV infection. Anaemia may also be the first manifestation of an as yet undetected HIV infection. Moreover, many drugs used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS significantly affect haemopoiesis. Whatever the cause of anaemia, it is essential to initiate simultaneously with its treatment an appropriate highly active antiretroviral therapy. An antiretroviral therapy along the lines of state-of-the-art pharmacotherapy of HIV/AIDS significantly improves the efficacy of the actual haematological treatment. Key words: HIV infection-haemopoiesis-anaemia-antiretroviral therapy.