The present paper reviews the available literature on the development of immunity to animal Schistosoma infections. The majority of the studies on animal schistosomiasis were performed in cattle and pigs and only Schistosoma mattheei, S. bovis and S. japonicum received particular attention, mainly because of their recognized veterinary significance or zoonotic aspect. Although it is an accepted fact that acquired resistance to Schistosoma is of major importance in the regulation of infection intensity in the field, almost nothing is yet known of either the nature of the antigens or of the immune mechanisms involved. The recent studies on immunity development focus in particular on the occurrence of maternal to foetal transfer of immunological substances related to animal Schistosoma infections and possible effects of these transfers on the immunity development of the foetus/newborn. Since congenital infections for Schistosoma species other than S. japonicum are extremely rare, the most plausible route for foetal contact is the transplacental or postnatal transfer of immunological substances. Prenatal transfers of specific antibodies and antigens via placental lesions and postnatal transfers via the colostrum were observed in cattle and pigs, and subsequent modifications of the immune response of the newborn were observed. Placental lesions induced by Schistosoma eggs could allow other pathogens to cross the placenta.