Introduction: Multinucleate cell angiohistiocytoma is a rare entity. We report two unusual cases of this lesion.
Case report: A 39 year-old man had presented since two years an arciform papular eruption of the forehead. A 40 year-old woman had a disseminated maculo-papular eruption since three years. Histological examination of skin samples of the two patients showed a dermal small vessel proliferation, associated with multinucleate cells, and confirmed the diagnosis of multinucleate cell angiohistiocytoma.
Discussion: Our cases, typical histologically, have unusual clinical presentation (first case observed in a man, and the second in a disseminated form). Multinucleate cell angiohistiocytoma is a rare benign vascular proliferation individualized in 1985. Clinically, the lesion consists in small circumscribed papules. Acral sites and notably of the dorsum of the hands are the more frequent topography. It generally occurs in women aged over 50 years. Histologically, there is a dermal proliferation of capillaries and venules, and a fibrosis associated with the interstitial mononucleate cells and multinucleate cells.