Between December 1984 and December 1988, coronary artery bypass operations, involving the use of 119 sequential internal mammary artery grafts with three or more anastomoses per conduit, were performed in 116 patients. Patients included 14 women and 102 men, with a mean age of 60 years. They received a total of 629 anastomoses; 373 anastomoses were used in multiple sequential arterial bypass grafts; 116 sequential left and three right internal mammary artery jump grafts were performed. There were 27 patients with bilateral internal mammary artery grafts, but only 17 had completely arterial revascularizations. Perioperative infarction occurred in 3.4% of the patients; 1.7% of infarctions were related to sequential internal mammary artery grafts. There were no hospital deaths. Control angiography was performed within a month of the operation in 72 patients (with 371 anastomoses, of which 229 were in sequential arterial bypass grafts). The overall patency rate was 94.6%, and for the internal mammary artery sequential graft with three or more anastomoses it was 96.1%. The mean follow-up period was 13 months; 110 patients were in New York Heart Association class I; there was one non-cardiac-related death, and three patients (2.6%) had a late myocardial infarction. One was related to the area revascularized by the sequential internal mammary artery graft. Multiple sequential internal mammary artery bypass grafts in coronary artery disease are feasible, with a high short-term patency and a low perioperative morbidity and mortality.