Nano-sized domains related to dielectric anomaly in YFe2O4-delta

J Electron Microsc (Tokyo). 2005:54 Suppl 1:i87-90. doi: 10.1093/jmicro/54.suppl_1.i87.


We examined microstructures related to the charge ordering in YFe2O4-delta, by transmission electron microscopy. It is found that two types of characteristic diffuse scatterings appear at room temperature. One is characteristic diffuse streaks elongated along the [0001] direction through the (1/3 1/3 2/3 0)-type reciprocal positions and the other is diffuse spots at (1/3 - eta 1/3 - eta 2/3 + 2eta 0)-type incommensurate positions (eta approximately 0.066). Real-space images revealed that the former diffuse scattering is related to nano-domains due to the charge ordering and the latter one is related to those due to vacancy ordering. The presence of the nano-sized domains should be strongly related to the dielectric anomalies found in YFe2O4-delta.