A total of 59 patients with hormone-resistent prostatic cancer (HDPC) treated in 1999-2004 entered the trial. Three schemes of first-line chemotherapy were examined for clinical efficacy and toxicity in the above patients. Anticancer combined treatment vinorelbin + cycloplatam was given to 23 patients, mitoxantron + prednisolone--to 23 patients, mitoxantron+cysplatin+prednisolone--to 13 patients. The latter scheme was most effect and toxic. Partial regression of metastases and a 50% decrease in the initial PCA level were seen in 23% cases. Vinorelbin+cycloplatam was less effective and toxic: partial regression of metastases--13%, PSA regression-- 17.4%. The least efficacy and toxicity were observed in the treatment with mitoxantron+prednisolone --.7%. Thus, the above first-line HDPC therapy was most effective but has the highest toxicity in using the scheme mitoxantron+cysplatin+prednisolone.