Study design: Two case reports of aseptic meningitis after intrathecal baclofen injection.
Objectives: To report an unusual complication of intrathecal baclofen injection during test injections.
Setting: Department of Neurological Rehabilitation, R Poincaré Hôpital (Paris-Ile de France-Ouest University).
Case reports: We present two cases of chemical meningitis after intrathecal baclofen injections by lumbar puncture. These cases presented with febrile meningeal syndromes during the 24 h following intrathecal baclofen injection. Direct cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination and CSF cultures were negative. An intense cellular reaction was observed with a marked predominance of neutrophils. Meningitis resolved spontaneously over 3-4 days.
Conclusions: Chemical meningitis is a rare complication of intrathecal baclofen injections that must be recognized. It is a diagnosis of exclusion and its pathophysiological mechanism remains unclear.
Spinal Cord (2006) 44, 330-333. doi:10.1038/; published online 20 September 2005.