Four genes encoding novel 1Dx-type high-molecular weight (HMW) subunits were amplified by polymerase chain reaction, two each from Aegilops tauschii and bread wheat Triticum aestivum. The two subunits from Ae. tauschii (1Dx2.1(t) and 1Dx2(t)) were both very similar in sequence to subunit 1Dx2 from bread wheat. In contrast, the two novel bread wheat subunits (1Dx2.2 and 1Dx2.2*) differed from subunit 1Dx2 in having different internally duplicated regions (of 132 and 186 amino acid, respectively) within their repetitive domains. These duplicated sequences were located adjacent to the regions from which they had been duplicated and had complete intact repeat motifs at each end. The implications of these results for HMW subunit evolution and wheat quality improvement are discussed.