We have reported that a Candida albicans mkc1Delta/mkc1Delta mutant, deleted in the Mkc1p mitogen-activated protein kinase, an essential element of the cell integrity signalling pathway, has reduced virulence in a murine model of systemic infection. We analyse here the immunological basis for this feature in view of its failure to vaccinate. Firstly, the influence of the Th response was analysed by infecting different knockout mice, revealing the importance of interferon-gamma in the resolution of mkc1 systemic infection. Secondly, the role of innate immunity was studied. The infection of neutropenic mice revealed that the candidacidal activity of neutrophils is crucial during the first 3 days of infection for the mutant strain. Macrophages played a critical role in the clearance of infection. Although a similar anti-Candida activity was found for both fungal strains with naïve macrophages, activated macrophages discriminated between both strains. In vitro experiments revealed that the mutant strain displayed a greater susceptibility to nitric oxide (NO), a reduced inhibitory effect on macrophage NO production and an increased capacity of macrophage stimulation by cell wall extracts. The importance of NO in systemic infection with the mutant strain was confirmed by the strong increase in the susceptibility of aminoguanidine (an iNOs inhibitor)-treated mice.