The Treatment Satisfaction Scale (TSS) has been developed to assess various concepts related to erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment satisfaction in patients and their partners. The self-report questionnaire consists of 4 modules: unmedicated patient, medicated patient, unmedicated partner, and medicated partner modules, measuring a range of sexuality concepts considered important by ED patients and their partners including six domains: "Confidence", "Ease with Erection", "Erectile Function Satisfaction", "Pleasure from Sexual Activity", "Satisfaction with Orgasms", and "Satisfaction with Medication". The TSS is an internationally valid, psychometrically sound instrument to assess patient and partner satisfaction with ED therapy. In a recent double-blind, multicenter, parallel arms, flexible dose clinical trial, the TSS was used to compare patient and partner's satisfaction with vardenafil and placebo therapy. The results demonstrated that vardenafil significantly improved not only erectile function, but also confidence, ease of erection, pleasure, and satisfaction with erectile function, orgasm and medication in men ED and their partners. These attributes are considered to be essential in the acceptance and continued use of PDE5 inhibitor therapy for ED.