The concentrations and composition profiles of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polychlorinated naphthalenes were determined in herring individuals collected from the commercial catches of the Bothnian Sea, northern Baltic. The median age of herring was 5.0 years and in the muscle the median toxic equivalent concentration of PCDD/Fs was 5.6 WHO(PCDD/F)-TEQ pg/g fresh weight (fw) and that of PCBs 2.7 WHO(PCB)-TEQ pg/g fw. The median sum concentration of PBDEs was 1.4 ng/g fw and that of PCNs 0.1 ng/g fw. Differences in age-dependent accumulation between the organohalogen groups and individual congeners were major. In the Bothnian Sea the content of organohalogen compounds in herring is obviously elevated due to the availability and large proportion of Mysis crustaceans in their diet. More intensive fishing could reduce the concentrations of organohalogens, including the abundant, accumulative and toxic 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF congener in the Baltic herring catch.