Background: Chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) is a major cause of loss of renal allografts. Mechanisms postulated to be involved include sequelae of rejection, warm ischaemia time, drug toxicity, ongoing hypertension and dyslipidaemia. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is implicated not only in thrombosis, but also in fibrosis, by inhibiting matrix degradation, and is expressed in renal parenchymal cells as well as in macrophages. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-gamma) is a member of the steroid receptor superfamily, and plays a major beneficial role in lipid regulation, insulin sensitivity and macrophage function, factors that may play a role in CAN. We therefore studied the expression of these molecules in CAN.
Methods: All renal biopsy/nephrectomy files from Vanderbilt and Nashville VAMC from a 6 year period were reviewed to identify all renal transplant biopsies or nephrectomies more than 6 months after transplant with CAN. CAN was defined as fibrosis in the graft, vascular, interstitial or glomerular. All cases were scored for severity of fibrosis in vasculature (0-3 scale), glomeruli (% affected with either segmental and/or global sclerosis) and interstitial fibrosis (% of sample affected). PAI-1 and PPAR-gamma immunostaining was assessed on a 0-3 scale in glomeruli, vessels and tubules.
Results: Eighty-two patients with a total of 106 samples met entry criteria. The population consisted of 59 Caucasians and 23 African-Americans; 49 males, 33 females with average age 37.9+/-1.7 years. Average time after transplant at time of biopsy was 60.5+/-4.9 months (range 7-229). Glomerulosclerosis extent in CAN was on average 26.5+/-2.4% compared with 3.6+/-1.2% in normal control kidneys from native kidney cancer nephrectomies and 0% in transplanted kidney biopsies from patients obtained > or =6 months after transplantation without CAN. Native control kidneys showed mild interstitial fibrosis (8.0+/-1.2%), whereas transplant controls showed very minimal fibrosis (2.0+/-2.0%). Interstitial fibrosis in CAN kidneys was on average 47.9+/-2.4%. Glomerular PAI-1 and PPAR-gamma staining scores were markedly increased in CAN (1.8+/-0.1, 2.3+/-0.1, respectively) compared with normal control kidneys from native kidney cancer nephrectomies (PAI-1 0.2+/-0.2 and PPAR-gamma 0.4+/-0.2, P<0.001) and transplanted kidney biopsies from patients obtained > or =6 months after transplantation without CAN (PAI-1 0 and PPAR-gamma 0, P<0.001). Tubular PAI-1 and PPAR-gamma staining scores were 1.9+/-0.1 and 1.9+/-0.1, respectively, and also increased over both native and transplant kidney controls (0.8+/-0.2 for both categories for PAI-1, 1.2+/-0.2 for both categories for PPAR-gamma, respectively). Vascular sclerosis in CAN was 1.0+/-0.1 with increased PAI-1 and PPAR-gamma scores (1.7+/-0.1, 1.2+/-0.1, respectively) compared with controls. Infiltrating macrophages were increased in CAN, and were positive for both PAI-1 and PPAR-gamma. Biopsies with less sclerosis overall showed a trend for less PAI-1 and PPAR-gamma staining.
Conclusion: PAI-1 and PPAR-gamma are both increased in CAN compared with non-scarred native or transplant control kidneys. We speculate that altered matrix metabolism and macrophage function might be involved in the development of CAN.