Multislice computed tomography (MSCT) is a non-invasive and validated technique to detect coronary stenoses. Some questions remain about its accuracy to detect coronary stenoses (CS), especially for asymptomatic patients (P) when a prior stress test isn't conclusive.
Methods: MSCT was performed among 45 asymptomatic men (mean age: 58,3 +/- 16), with a high ten year risk of fatal cardiovascular disease (SCORE 2003 data for low-risk regions of Europe), without any previous coronary history and with previous non conclusive exercise testing. When significant (> 50%) CS was suspected at MSCT, an angiocoronarography (AC) was done.
Results: Eighteen MSCT were normal, unsignificant CS (< 50%) were detected on 14 MSCT and significant coronary stenoses (SCS) for 13 P. Among this 13 P, 19 SCS were identified: 2 SCS of left main coronary artery (CA), 9 of the left descending CA, 6 of the right CA and 2 of the left circumflex CA. 13 CS were confirmed at AC. Finally, because of critical angiographic lesions +/- ischemia at nuclear tomoscintigraphy (NT), 9 P had coronary revascularization (7 catheter based, 2 surgical bypass), 4 P had medical treatment.
Discussion: Benefits of this preliminary study are obvious: 9 coronary revascularization/45 P. However, the place of MSCT for the screening of CS is uncertain, but may be usefull as a complement for the screening of coronary arterial disease.