Many cases of nonspecific right-sided lower abdominal pain syndromes are still difficult to diagnose regarding the accuracy of identifying which organ is suffering, in spite of the continuous development of various investigations. The aim of our study is to establish the limits of noninvasive explorations and to evaluate the benefits of laparoscopy approach of such cases. 45 patients, admitted and treated for right lower quadrant abdominal pain along 5 years in the Surgical Department of University Hospital "Caritas" Bucharest, were followed up. For all those patients, diagnostic uncertainty indicated laparoscopic exploration. Analyzing the cases, we noticed that the diagnosis was correctly established on the basis of non-invasive preoperative explorations in 13,33% of cases. In 11,11% of cases the diagnosis was completed by laparoscopy approach and in most cases (75,55%) was established by this procedure. The laparoscopic approach allowed diminishing the number of unnecessary appendectomies, detecting and resolving concomitant lesions with minimal parietal trauma and, essentially, avoiding "exploratory laparotomy".