Aim: To describe novel cytogenetic findings in four leukaemia patients.
Methods: Conventional cytogenetic (CC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses were performed on bone marrow samples of four leukaemia patients.
Results: In this study, t(3;10)(q11;q25) and t(2;22)(p21;q11.2) were detected as novel translocations. t(8;16;21)(q22.1;q13;q22) and t(1;6;9;22)(p36.1;p21.3;q34;q11) were found as variant translocations, and these variant translocations were confirmed by Interphase-FISH and Multi-colour-FISH.
Conclusion: Newly identified cytogenetic findings can lead us to characterize cytogenetic evolution of the haematological malignancies. Further investigations are certainly warranted to resolve the prognostic impact of these new cytogenetic abnormalities.