The impaction of lower second molars, given that its incidence is 0.03 to 0.21%, is a rare complication in tooth eruption. It has been detected more often in unilateral form than bilateral and is more common in the mandible than in the maxillary. It has a slight predilection for males, and mesial inclination is more usual. A wide variety of therapeutic approaches have been published, basically referring to surgical techniques, independent or complemented by means of orthodontic technical aids, with the aim of placing the tooth in the correct position, and which are encompassed under the concept of surgical rescue. In cases resolved with repositioning of an impacted tooth, prophylactic root extraction has been proposed as obligatory. We present a case of a 12 and a half year old patient referred to the University of Seville due to non-eruption of the left lower second molar. The patient was referred by her orthodontist, who detected the impaction before starting orthodontic treatment. The orthodontist requested that, if it was possible, we did not extract the root of the third molar, because its eruption would be feasible in the future (there would be sufficient space in the arch). The spaces available were measured and we decided to attempt the repositioning of the impacted tooth without extracting the root of the wisdom tooth, which was carried out successfully.