Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT) on circumscribed choroidal hemangioma.
Methods: Ten eyes of 10 cases with circumscribed choroidal hemangioma (age 16-48, average 34.4) were included in the present study. Six cases had previous green laser (4 argon and 2 krypton) photocoagulation, TTT as a primary treatment was used for other 4 cases without previous laser application. Fluorescein angiography, visual acuity, anterior segment and fundus examination, perimetry test, FFA/ICGA and ultrasonography were performed in all patients before the treatment. One to five infra red diode laser spots (810 nm with power of 800-1200 mW, diameter of 3 mm) were delivered on the surface of tumor with 60 seconds exposure, additional 10-20 seconds exposure was used in some cases. Second treatment was given 1-3 month later if there was active leakage demonstrated by fluorescein angiography. The followed-up period was 6-36 months (averaged 14.5 month).
Results: After transpupillary thermotherapy, 9 eyes (90%) showed partial regression of the tumor. Average visual acuity was 0.25 and 0.6 before and after TTT, respectively. Six patients showed improvement of vision acuity, but vision acuity in 4 patients with cystic macular degeneration remained unchanged. No recurrences were observed within follow-up averaged 14.5 months. Transpupillary thermotherapy did not associate with any significant complications.
Conclusion: Transpupillary thermotherapy is effective to treat circumscribed hemangioma of choroid either as a primary treatment or supplementary therapy to previous laser photocoagulation.