In a prospective interview study, designed to compare the psycho-social outcome after a breast-conserving vs. a mastectomy operation, we analysed possible predictors of the psycho-social adjustment. 99 women with breast cancer histopathological TNM stages I and II were consecutively admitted to the study. Half-structured interviews, based on the Social Adjustment Scale and a scale by P. Maguire, were performed 4 and 13 months after the operation. Living together with the spouse seems to protect women from developing psycho-social problems postoperatively. Women who were gainfully employed or who were given radiotherapy had a higher risk of poor adjustment after 4 months. At 13 months, the scorings indicate that radiotherapy has a reassuring effect. Type of surgery was controlled for in the analysis and showed that, of the risk factors studied, the most consistent trend for an overall better outcome was in the breast-conserved group except for sexual disturbances.