Teliospores, basidia, cultures, hyphal septations, cellular interactions and nucleotide sequences from the D1/D2 region of the nuclear large subunit ribosomal RNA gene of Entyloma ossifragi occurring on Narthecium ossifragum (Nartheciaceae) were examined and compared with findings in the Georgefischeriales and other Ustilaginomycetes. The data show that Entyloma ossifragi is a member of the Georgefischeriales. Among the Georgefischeriales, Entyloma ossifragi morphologically is very similar to Jamesdicksonia species, but differs from this genus and all other Georgefischeriales by the formation of dolipores without striations that become closed during teliosporogenesis. In addition, in our molecular phylogenetic analyses Entyloma ossifragi stands well apart from Jamesdicksonia, forming with some Tilletiopsis specimens a statistically supported cluster. Accordingly, the genus Gjaerumia gen. nov. and the family Gjaerumiaceae fam. nov. are proposed to accommodate Entyloma ossifragi in the Georgefischeriales. The new combination G. ossifragi (syn. Entyloma ossifragi) is made.