The broad-spectrum stem rust resistance gene Sr2 has provided protection in wheat against Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. tritici for over 80 years. The Sr2 gene and an associated dark pigmentation trait, pseudo-black chaff (PBC), have previously been localized to the short arm of chromosome 3B. In a first step towards the positional-based cloning of Sr2, we constructed a high-resolution map of this region. The wheat EST (wEST) deletion bin mapping project provided tightly linked cDNA markers. The rice genome sequence was used to infer the putative gene order for orthologous wheat genes and provide additional markers once the syntenic interval in rice was identified. We used this approach to map six wESTs that were collinear with the physical order of the corresponding genes on rice chromosome 1 suggesting there are no major re-arrangements between wheat and rice in this region. We were unable to separate by recombination the tightly linked morphological trait, PBC from the stem rust resistance gene suggesting that either a single gene or two tightly linked genes control both traits.