Objective: To develop a novel culture system to investigate the effects of ethanol on the function of cultured hepatocytes.
Methods: Sandwich configuration was used to culture hepatocytes and the effects of ethanol on functions of bile excretion and protein synthesis as well as the morphology of cultured hepatocytes were observed.
Results: Bile canaliculi-like structures decreased and anastomatic networks disappeared in ethanol treated hepatocytes. The ability for hepatocytes to internalize, metabolize and excrete compounds into bile was indicated by FDA metabolizing in the hepatocytes. In hepatocytes without ethanol, the bile excretion was showed clearly, but in ethanol-interfered hepatocytes, no bile excretion was observed. After ethanol was given, the level of protein secretion decreased and with the time going, it became lower and lower.
Conclusion: Hepatocytes can be seriously damaged by ethanol. The study provides a new model to investigate the mechanism of some liver diseases caused by ethanol.