Objective: To improve capability of appendiceal mucocele diagnosis via analyzes its clinical, pathological basis and radiological results.
Methods: Summarize 18 cases with pathological diagnosed appendiceal mucocele in PUMC Hospital since January 1985 till september 2004, including 4 males and 14 females (1:3.5), age ranged from 31 to 78 yrs old (average 59.8 years old). Eleven cases underwent barium enema, in which 9 cases received abdominal CT scanning and 1 case received CT virtual colonography.
Results: (1) CLINICAL RESULTS: 8 cases (44.4%) had right lower abdominal pain, 12 cases (66.7%) had palpable abdominal mass. (2) Radiological results: barium enema showed extrinsic oppressed filling defect at the end of cecum without destruction of mucosa; CT scanning showed right lower abdominal cystic mass, 75% with cystic wall calcification, massive septal mucous ascites was seen in one case with pseudomyxoma peritonei; CT virtual colonography showed clearly the extra cavity and intracavity changes at cecum. (3) Pathological results: simple mucocele (4 cases, 22.2%), mucous cystadenoma (12 cases, 66.7%) and mucous cystadenocarcinoma (2 cases, 11.1%)
Conclusion: There are four pathological types in appendiceal mucocele. Radiological characters of appendiceal mucocele have distinct specificities while its clinical ones not. Radiological procedures are vital for correct clinical diagnosis.