A 51-year-old male was admitted because of eyelid edema and anosmia, which developed in 1985. He showed bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy, with nodes larger than 2 x 2 cm, and remarkable eyelid edema. Anemia, hyperimmunoglobulinemia with hypo-albuminemia (no M-protein) and liver dysfunction were found. Bone marrow, renal function, urine analysis and LDH level were normal. Cervical lymph node biopsy showed interfollicular proliferation of plasma cells without any malignant appearance. On day 3 of oral prednisolone (PD), anosmia abruptly improved from day 7, eyelid swelling, cervical lymphadenopathy and gammopathy subsided gradually. Since PD was tapered off, no relapse has been observed thus far.