Behavioral pharmacological studies have implicated a role for the neurophysin arginine-vasopressin in learning and memory. Vasopressin, and its analogues, can produce either improvements or impairments in mnemonic functions, effects that depend upon the agent administered, the memory process measured and the task employed. As recent data have implicated vasopressin in regulating the cognitive functions of the prefrontal cortex, we sought to determine whether changes in vasopressinergic tone would affect a form of memory that is dependent upon this brain region. To that end, we used a genetic approach to examine how haploinsufficiency of the vasopressin gene affects working memory performance. Specifically, we tested a naturally occurring null-mutant rat on an operant delayed-non-match-to-position task. Male and female heterozygous and wild-type rats were trained to perform this working memory task, and the effects of varying the delay across which they had to maintain task information were systematically varied. Although vasopressin-deficient rats omitted fewer trials and completed trials more quickly, they exhibited delay-dependent deficits of choice accuracy. The genotype effects were not modified by sex. Collectively, these data indicate that even partial vasopressin deficiency can trigger deficits of spatial working memory performance and add to the growing body of results supporting a regulatory control of neocortical-dependent cognitive functions by this neurohormone.